Friday 18 February 2011

Liverpool .............

One thing that never fails to impress me about Liverpool is the architecture. I mean Manchester is  more prosperous but the legacy of Georgian and Victorian buildings in Liverpool remind you of a bygone age when Manchester was a collection of modest streets and Liverpool was booming - the fact it was largely based on the slave trade does take the edge off it a bit but hey shit happens!!! - but this is a serious bit of shit - one that takes three  attempts to flush down the bog.

Apparently this was the original Starbucks corporate logo which mysteriously didn't catch on

Sitting in yet another coffee shop at the bottom of Bold Street, watching hundreds of people go by it seems this seasons predominant colour is black or very very dark grey, nutty slack or hole de calcutta.  But occasionally someone goes by with tights or a hoodie or leggings that are sooo bright they not only have labels with size and washing instructions but a label stating the wattage of the item- these things give off electrons they are probably charged up every night along with their "mowbeees" (mobile phones in english)

Scum dressed like this would blind security staff at airports especially when they overload the new body scanners. Staff would need to wear welding goggles just to look at them never mind pat the buggers down.

Never mind Al Qeada exploiting this anomaly, scum would just use this to get a litre of rola cola airside thus avoiding the totally rip off prices of airport soft drinks. I mean if booze and fags are so much cheaper because of duty free why is pop and water sooo expensive??

That's what pisses me off the most about terrorism not the posibility of making a very close high speed encounter with a famous European landmark - NO, getting screwed over the price of 500ml of Diet Coke at Manchester Airport supposed duty free!!

I mean have AQ ever done a cola bomb?  As far as liquids are concerned just make the suspect terrorist have a quick swig - if they start to panic or refuse or they have a drink and then begin to projectile vomit 25ft across the security area then we can safely asume it is not Sunny D in the smoking, slightly distended now melting bottle. Oh and another thing don't be confused by the fact that the suspect has a return ticket - devious bastards use this a lot to convince security that they are legit and are planning to come back!!

I mean just how many virgins are there in heaven?  How many have previously died? - is this why the Taleban in Afghanistan are so casual about how many civilians are killed?
"Hey Mustafa how many infidel soldiers did our roadside bomb from Allah kill?"
"None - but we did get the local girls school minibus going for netball practice!!!"
"OH YES!! pass me the fanta bomb or the device made by the evil Dr Pepper's!!"

You know I seriously wonder whether I should have got that Frankie Boyle book for Christmas!!

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