Friday 18 February 2011

Coffee bars................

Another type of person who frequents these places are local coffin dodgers - older men who have nothing else to do as the coffee bar has replaced the local Labour/Working Men's Club. They sit in small groups nursing a small cappuccino for one and a half hours - and tell amazingly involved tales that invariably need to be told standing up as well as sitting down. Here in Liverpool, overheard conversations involve one of two working environments "The Docks" and "Ford's at Halewood"
With "The Docks"  the stories were difficult to date or follow. But with "Ford's" it was long stories with frequent references to Granadas. Escorts and Cortinas!!
But in the main the whole cliched thing about Liverpudlians about being warm and funny is true especially the older ones aged 30+ - the younger ones are generally little bastards - but isn't that the same in most places??

A couple of Imperial Stormtroopers taking some well deserved R and R at Tatooine Holiday Inn
( FYI Darth Vader is just out of the scene at the bar picking up three pints of mild and a packet of pork scratchings which, interestingly dispels any anti semitic theories about the Dark Force alluding to some Jewish domination of space!!!)

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